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Primary School

Wellbeing and Mental Health

At Cheviot Primary, we are committed to supporting the emotional wellbeing of our pupils and staff. We understand that everyone experiences life changes that can make us feel vulnerable and at times anyone may need additional emotional support. We believe all staff, parents and pupils have a role to play in promoting positive wellbeing and mental health.  


Cheviot promotes positive wellbeing through:   

  • Our ENRICH values are the foundations of our ethos and culture.  

  • Pupil and parent voice to participate in decision making.  

  • Promoting confidence and self-esteem though academic and non-academic achievements in our celebration assemblies. 

  • Access appropriate support from our Pastoral Team (Mrs. McCulla, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Waugh) or our School Counsellor.  

  • Helping children understand their emotions and feeling comfortable sharing concerns or worries (each class has a worry box).  

  • Raising awareness of wellbeing and mental health through our PHSE curriculum (following SCARF) or Anti-bullying, Children’s Mental Health and Mental Health Awareness weeks.  


At Cheviot, we offer the following levels of support:  


Support for all: to meet the needs of our pupils through our ENRICH values, curriculum drivers, ethos, culture and curriculum.   


Additional support: Our pastoral team can offer support to those who may have short term emotional needs who may be feeling vulnerable due to life experiences.  


Targeted support: With parent and pupil consent, our school counsellor can offer counselling to support a particular emotional or mental health need. Cheviot is investing into the Zones of Regulation intervention to offer further targeted interventions for emotional understanding and self-regulation.  Pupils can also access the lunchtime Nurture groups  with Mrs McCulla or access Lego Therapy groups. 


Lead staff members who you can contact if you are concerned about your child’s wellbeing or mental health: 


 Mrs. Sands – Head of School 

Mrs. Maitland and Mrs Waugh – Assistant Heads 

Mrs Thompson – SENDCo and Mental Health Lead  

Mrs. McCulla – Family Support and Attendance Officer  

Mrs Waugh – Pupil Premium Champion 


Alternatively you can contact Single Point of Access to seek advice, support or refer your child (03031231147)  or you can seek information from the following websites: 

How to support your child’s mental:


  • Behaviour – keep an eye out for any changes; encourage and praise good behaviours.  

  • Be proud – tell your child how proud you are of them no matter how small the achievement.  

  • Conversation – talk about your child’s interests or topics they want to talk about.   

  • Coping – help your child to learn coping skills such as breathing exercises, relaxation or meditation.   

  • Educate – learn about different mental health problems and strategies to maintain good wellbeing.  

  • Exercise – encourage your child to play, try a sport or exercise together.   

  • Environment – Provide a positive environment for your child where they can thrive.   

  • Feeling – talk about different feelings and discuss why they feel this way.   

  • Help – don't be afraid to seek help from school, the GP or other professionals.   

  • Listen – Make sure you take time to listen to what your child has to say with no distractions. Love – be there for your child and show you love and care for them, they are never too old for a cuddle!  

  • Outside - spend time outside together, vitamin D is proven to make you feel happier! 

  • Patience – be patient and try not to put pressure on your child.   

  • Play – take time to play with your child to make them feel important.  

  • Problem solving – Help your child effectively problem solve. 

  • Read - take time to read with your child or learn through stories.   

  • Rest time – have good bedtime routines, to help your child get plenty sleep.   

  • Support – offer regular support and praise your child.  

  • Symptoms – Be aware of signs and symptoms.     

This year Cheviot will be working towards a Wellbeing Award. This will look closely at how Cheviot supports the wellbeing of parents, pupils and staff. 


You will be invited to take part in parent surveys. If you would like further information or to be part of a parent wellbeing team, please speak to Mrs. Thompson.