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Primary School

Criteria for Funded Places

We're offering FREE childcare places for some two year olds at Cheviot Primary School!


• Free childcare can give your child a great start in life

• Playing and exploring will help your child learn lots of new skills, such as speaking, listening, counting

• You'll have time to work, train or just have some time for yourself.


Can I claim a free childcare place?


Am I eligible?


From September 2014 approximately 50% of children will be eligible.


1. Households where a parent is in receipt of any of the following benefits - Income support, Income-based Job Seekers' Allowance, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance

2. Receiving the Guarantee elements of the State Pension Credit;

3. Receiving support under Part 5 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999;

4. Receiving Child Tax Credit, and have annual gross income of no more than £16,190, as assessed by HMRC;

5. Receiving Working Tax Credit with a household income of less than £16,190 as assessed by HMRC;

6. Child is 'Looked After' by the Local Authority;

7. Child is 'Looked After' by the Local Authority; or has left care through special guardianship or an adoption or residence order;

8. Child is receiving Disability Living Allowance (or with a current statement of special education needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan). 


Please contact the school office if you would like any further information or an application form.