At Cheviot we consider attendance and punctuality to be a key factor in helping us to maintain high academic performance. We monitor attendance closely and strive to help all parents and carers to get their children into school every day. Our attendance target is 96%.
Regular attendance is vital to help pupils achieve their best as there is a direct link between attendance and attainment. If children do not attend school regularly their education will be affected due to not keeping pace with school work or missing out on the social side of school life.
As a reward for good attendance, we offer attendance initiatives every half term for all children whose attendance is 96% or above. For the end of the year, any child with 96% or above as their attendance will receive an additional incentive - and this may be decided by the pupils themselves. Pupils with 100% attendance at the end of the academic year are awarded with a special attendance prize.
Get Up!
Get In!
Get on!
As every minute is a learning minute!

Here we are celebrating our 100% attendance!