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Primary School

SEND Provision

Summary of Provision for Children with Additional Needs


There are a number of reasons why a child may be identified as having SEND;


  • They have significant difficulty with their learning and making far less progress than would be expected.
  • They have a specific learning difficulty, for example dyslexia.
  • They have social, emotional or mental health difficulties.
  • They have difficulties with social communication and interaction.
  • They have sensory and /or physical needs, for example a hearing impairment.


For all children who have additional needs, Cheviot ensures:


  • Value and recognise the expert role families play in their children’s lives and work closely in partnership with them.
  • Deliver high quality teaching, adapting the curriculum and resources to ensure children to meet the needs of individual children and to promote pupil progress.
  • Employ a fully qualified SENDCo (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator) to lead SEND provision across the school.
  • Adopt an 'open door' approach and are willing to host formal and informal meetings. Families are also advised of other services and organisations which may offer further advice and support.
  • Use child friendly SEND Support Plans which clearly state the child’s area(s) of need, specific targets related to their area of need and evaluates the progress.
  • Involve the child, parents or carers and key staff members in the writing, implementing and reviewing of SEND Support Plan during termly reviews.
  • Hold termly review meetings for parents with the class teacher/ SENDCo to discuss progress and evaluate the learning of all SEND children, using this information to inform and adapt future planning and teaching. We operate a graduated response based upon need; assess, plan, do, review.
  • Seek support and advice from a range of outside agencies to ensure barriers to success are fully identified and responded to. Agencies include: CYPS, Education Psychology Service, SENDOS, Language Therapists and Occupational Therapists. 
  • Put all recommendations into practise from outside professionals into daily practice. All information is carefully explained and shared with families.
  • Ensure that there is access to teaching and learning for pupils with SEND which is monitored through the school’s self-evaluation process. Lessons are as inclusive as possible with adjustments made depending on need.
  • Teaching resources are routinely evaluated to ensure they are accessible to all pupils.
  • All school-related activities are evaluated in terms of their positive impact on the learning success and inclusion of pupils with SEND.
  • Ensure our school activities and trips are accessible to all our SEND children.
  • Work hard to ensure that families are able to work in partnership with them to support their children.
  • All teaching staff fully support SEND children regularly in lessons to ensure accelerated progress.
  • Provide on-going training to all staff to constantly improve practise.
  • Offer support to all pupils and parents during periods of transition; Pre – School to Nursery, Nursery to Reception, Year 2 to Year 3, Year 6 to Secondary School.
  • Liaise closely with secondary schools at transition times to ensure that SEND pupil information is clearly communicated and recommendations are heard so that the move to secondary school is as smooth as possible.
  • All teachers, teaching assistants and governors aim to work together to ensure all SEND children needs are met.
  • Risk assessments are used and action is taken to increase the safety and inclusion of all children in all activities.
  • Support is offered to families and they are introduced to services and organisations which may offer support and advice where appropriate.
  • Whole school policies such as those for Behaviour, Anti-bullying, Wellbeing and SEND are evaluated on a regular basis.
  • Please read our SEND Policy on the website.


For pupils with a higher level of need or of SEND or an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), we provide:-


  • Detailed planning and monitoring of progress.
  • Individualised programmes of work across several areas.
  • Annual reviews of EHC Plan with recommendations submitted to the Local Authority.
  • Multi-agency meeting to plan and assess of targets at interim reviews


Updated September 2023