Governors Information
Current Governor Membership
Hello and welcome to this brief introduction to the Local Governing Board of Cheviot Primary School. We hope that the following information explains a little of who we are and what we do.
Who are we?
Cheviot Primary School currently has 11 Governors. We are made up from members of the local community including parents and staff from the school. We have at least three full Local Governing Board meetings each year.
Composition of our Local Governing Board at Cheviot Primary School
- Head Teacher
- 2 parent governors
- (up to) 8 co-opted governors
- 1 teacher governor
- 1 staff governor
Chair of the Local Governing Board at Cheviot Primary School:
Mr Martin McDonagh
c/o Cheviot Primary School
Yetholm Place
Newcastle upon Tyne
Tel: (0191) 286 9324
How are we selected?
Parent governors are elected by parents/carers and they serve a term of three years. When a vacancy for a parent governor post arises the school seeks nominations and elections are held if more than one nomination for the post is received.
Staff governors are elected internally by other staff.
Co-opted governors are members of the local and business community who are appointed by Trustees for their skills and experience.
What do we do?
School Governors’ statutory responsibilities are identified in the 2002 Education Act.
We also follow a code of conduct which sets out the expectations on and the commitment required from school governors.
In summary, the local governing board is a committee of the trust board and are accountable to the trustees. School governors work closely with the head teacher to make key decisions vital to the successful running of the school. The governors help set a strategic vision for the school and determine its aims, policies and priorities. They monitor and evaluate the work of the school, playing an important role in improving standards throughout.
The Governors work collectively, not individually, and they have a strategic role in the school.
Day to day management of the school is the responsibility of the Executive Head Teacher.
How can we be contacted?
Governors are always willing and happy to be approached by parents to discuss relevant issues and can be contacted through the school office. Normally a few of us are in the school yard each day dropping off or picking up our children. Parents can also arrange to meet with a governor at the twice yearly parents/teacher evenings.
Whilst governors are happy to chat some aspects of the role are confidential and therefore may limit what we can discuss.
If you have a specific concern about the school or your child, governors will normally initially advise that this should be discussed with the class teacher. If the issue is unresolved then the Executive Head Teacher -Mr Gallon should be approached. By this time the vast majority of issues have been dealt with to the satisfaction of all, however if you still have concerns you may wish to contact the Chair of our Local Governing Board.
We believe we have a very good school that is rapidly improving. We have great children, a great staff, great parents and great hopes for the future.